I am working full time with a job I quite frankly despise but since the pay is good am sticking around, I study full time in attempts of completing my Masters degree and I also work part time as a tutor to two very cute kids. It is challenging and that sometimes I question my decisions and am wondering what am getting myself into most of the time.
My friends asked me if its all worth it, I mean if the pay is all worth it and to be honest about it ... its not I spend more than I earn from it and its okay. Because I think I'm having fun despite being stressed out every now and then. Its a good thing Momie Cherry is around, she's really good at it. I mean she's done it before and she's my resource unit you know ... always have my back ready and always full of suggestions on how to do it.
She said I kinda get high when am driven to the edge and is stressed out. And she got it right I get high when pushed to my limits and I know its a wonky idea but its true and here I am on another round of getting all high and stressed out.
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